
BC&G How to stand out (pimp your modular office)

  1. Lots and lots of nicknacks
  2. Beanie babies
  3. Magnets mania
  4. Kegerator
  5. Golden Tee video game
  6. wallpaper your cube
  7. Hang 70's art
  8. Pull out your collection of childhood lunch boxes
  9. grafitti
  10. Hang a disco ball


BC&G Did you know.....

Top 10 downloaded and viewed movies by IT department while at work;

1. Space Chimps
2. Trailer Park Boys
3. Office Space
4. Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
5. Transformers
6. Star Trek
7. Star Wars
8. Alien vs Predator
9. Aeon Flux
10. Ghost

BC&G T-shirt of the week



BC&G Prank of the week

Turn your co-workers cube into a zen garden complete with rocks, sand and rakes to help sooth the soul on hectic days.


BC&G Your week at a glance

Because knowing what's likely to happen on which day of the week can help you save time, energy, and money. A panel of statisticians from the National Council of Actuarial Analysis pored over tons of data and determined that some days really are better than others. Here's what they found:

Sunday - is the busiest morning in malls. It's also the day most people suffer stress related headaches. Why? Experts say it's from worrying about the week to come. According to more than 60% of survey respondents, Sunday dinner is the week's most stressful meal to prepare.

Monday - If you get the Monday morning blues, you're not alone. Heart attacks are more likely on this day, and it's the most common day for people to call in sick.

Tuesday - This is the most productive day of the work week, but the least popular day for romance. It's the busiest day of the Internet, because Microsoft issues its security updates on Tuesdays, but the least busy day on the highways, with the fewest number of traffic fatalities.

Wednesday - This is the best day to recruit new workers. Employment agencies report being 50% busier on the middle day of the week. And it's the best day to try out a new romantic partner, with most people picking it as the preferred evening for a first date.

Thursday - Avoid going to the hospital. Doctors are more likely to take Friday off, giving themselves a three-day weekend and leaving you stuck in bed.

Friday - It's the most dangerous day on the roads and the most common day to get fired.

Saturday - For the ancient Romans, this was a grim day, named for Saturn, the dark Titan who tried to eat his own children. But now it's the most popular day for weddings, when apparently 75% of couples tie the knot.

BC&G Gardening Tip #3

When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


BC&G Terms


A phenomenon where, in a landscape of cubicles, a number of people stand up to look around over the tips of the cube walls.  Usually an unexpected/ loud noise.  


BC&G Tip of the day

Do not feed the IT department!  


BC&G gardening tip #2

Procrastinate long enough and many of your plants will die and leave you alone


From the business unit - huh

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?


Question of the month.....

How many new years resolutions have you...


BC&G alternate names for cubes

1.  Turbo demoralizer 3000
2.  Pod o death
3.  Headquarters, Ricky Martin fan club
4.  Slack in the box
5.  Peon plaza

BC&G Cube Warfare

If you are currently on the front lines of cubical warfare and losing allow BC&G to help;

1.  USB laser guided missile launcher
2.  Airzooka air gun
3.  Nerf Vulcan Automatic Heavy Blaster


BC&G Safety Tip

Getting up and walking to the admin's candy stash does not count as a micro break or stretch time.


BC&G Stress Reducing Tips

1. Try yoga or yoda which ever works
2. Read Better Cubes and Gardens'
3. Exercise regularly and then eat really really bad
4. Swim with sharks
5. Be a yes man or woman
6. Get enough rest or sleep during the work day to stay up late

BC&G Valentines Tips

1. Never, and we mean never, purchase a vacuum or other house hold cleaning tool as a gift
2. Silk roses are not even a green substitute
3. Valentines day is on Saturday peeps so go big or go to the dog house
4. Too late for this year but next year go to http://www.redenvelope.com

BC&G additional ways to waste time




BC&G random thought

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and takes prozac to make it normal

Odd but true holidays in February

1. National Children's dental health month
2. Return shopping carts to the supermarket month
3. Liberace day - 4th
4. Wave all your fingers at your neighbor day - 7th
5. Blame someone else day - 13th
6. Singles awareness day - 15th
7. National engineers week - 16th - 20th
8. Pancake day - 24th

BC&G gardening tip

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes